SPI FLASH PROGRAMER VER 3.7 , compatible with MCS-51 and AVR.
ISP FLASH PROGRAMER ver 3.0, Simple MCS-51.
This is my favourite PCB layout software.Easy to use and complete of component database/library and of course good result.dont miss it!!!
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Minggu, 14 Juni 2009
Kamis, 11 Juni 2009
The delay is intended to switch on the mains to heavy loads gradually to ensure that the switch-on current remains within certain limits and to prevent the fuses from blowing. The elements that cause high currents at switch-on are, for instance, the electrolytic capacitors in the power supply of an output amplifier. Since these are not charged at switch-on, they constitute a virtual short-circuit on the supply lines. The current can, however, be kept within limits by inserting the present delay circuit between the mains outlet and the transformer primary. The amplifier is then powered in two stages: in the first instance, the current is limited by a number of heavy-duty series resistors; a second later these resistors are shunted (short-circuited) by a relay contact. In the diagram, R4–R7 are the heavy-duty series resistors, each with a value of 10 Ω and rated at 5 W. They limit the switch-on current to about 5.5 A. The relay is a type whose contact is rated at 2000 VA, which will be sufficient in most cases. Its supply is derived directly from the mains via potential divider R3-C1-B1-relay coil. The resistor, R3 limits the current at switch-on, after which C1 limits the current in normal operation to about 20 mA. The delay time is determined by electrolytic capacitors C2 and C3 in parallel with the relay. The delay time may be altered by suitably changing the value of one or both of these capacitors. For safety’s sake, the board also has provision for a mains fuse, F1. The rating of this depends, of course, on the current drawn by the load. It should be noted that in the case of a double-mono stereo output amplifier (with separate power supplies) each of the mono amplifiers must be given a mains-on delay. As mentioned earlier, the values of R4–R7 refer to a switch-on current of about 5.5 A. If the power rating of the load is lower than 200 VA, it is advisable to use resistors with a slightly higher value. Note that C1 is a metallized paper type, which is designed specially for mains voltage applications and meets stringent regulatory requirements. Finally, at all times bear in mind that the circuit is connected to the mains, so do not touch anything inside the unit during operation and make sure that all wiring is safe and secure.
audio and amplifier
This project is inspired by the article of the ELEKTOR magazine of july/august 1991. It is based on the basic principle of a loudspeaker delayed turn-on and DC entry detection (+ 1,5 V and - 0,7 V). This module lies between the amplifier output and the loudspeaker output. When the amplifier is powered on, a temporization of engagement of +/- 2,5 seconds delays the starting of the loudspeaker (avoiding power on thumps). If a continuous tension appears on the amplifier output this module immediately interrupts the loudspeaker line.
Leds indicate the working of the module (green = OK, red = temporization and/or DC detection). This project must be supplied with a small symmetrical independent PSU of + 12 V and - 12 V. When the amplifier is powered off, the loudpspeaker line is immediately interrupted. It is possible to place two relays in parallel on the circuit board to reduce the contact resistance and/or permit an important load commutation (from 10 to 20 amperes in the case of a strong power amplifier).

audio and amplifier
Sabtu, 06 Juni 2009
Pfiuh!!!!!this is the bigest projects that i have ever made.It's so complicated....make me so confused....shit!!!
still in progress........
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This amplifier operates a control non-symmetric so that the benefits to be rather simple symmetrical version. Other merit, because there is only one round (loop) negative feedback so that high frequency stability to be easy. The presence of C7 between two points such berimpedansi high enough peredaman guarantee against a very good high-frequency oscillation. This must be done on the struggling symmetrical design. Few people realize that excess heat is dangerous to the transistor if the power is generated by the oscillation frequency is not high by the excess flow of normal DC. Effects so real devastation. Audio engineers often have not had time to react to the excess heat, the system is damaged. You should also suspicious of the oscillation kasat ear, if you power brace system suffered excessive heat in the normal operating level. The consequences of the non-symmetrical output response is also not truly symmetrical or linear as in the symmetrical system. Of the audio image, symmetrical version of the original image, but more rigid. While the non-symmetric version of a little coloring, but more soft expression.
Skizoid operation against the alleged non-symmetrical is less fast, less treble lincah. May be true that if the RC series bootstrap in the pre-driver. At this amplifier, a series of bootstrap replaced by Q5 is operated as a source of constant flow and with great difficulty stabilized by D1. C9 and C12 provide stability Dc strengthening the overall system which is very robust against interference voltage ration power, as well as collectors of high Impedance Q4. As a result, the voltage at this point to be very quick to respond freely swinging input signal. The end result, the speed or slew rate, and signal to noise ratio (S / N) is diperbaiaki, midrange and treble response, more transparency, and strengthening the system to be more resistant to interference ration power voltage fluctuations and reduce distortions caused intermodulasi control through inter-channel fluctuations ration power, when using a power transformer portion together.
Few weaknesses, the presence of Q5 and the source currents cause the capacitor penstabil shocks during an on-Peng. We recommend using speaker protector or at least a series of on-delay to reduce the possibility of damage to the speakers and the amplifier itself.
Power output 60 to 70 watts RMS can be achieved by using the power transistor TIP 3055 TIP and 2955, drivers and BD 139 BD 140 and pre-driver using B560 and D438, with the ration power transformer used 24 V 5A CT. 125 watt power output can be achieved with the 3055 TIP and TIP 2955 transistor pair with 2SA1302 and 2SC3281, B560 and D438 to replace with 2SC2235 and 2SA965/2SA1011 share power with 32 V CT transformer at least 5A.
this is the complete scheme:
still in process
this is the layout of eagle amplifier using DipTrace:

you can download the DipTrace file here.

Amplifier ini menerapkan pengendalian non-simetris sehingga keuntungannya menjadi sederhana ketimbang versi simetris. Kelebihan lain , karena hanya ada satu putaran (loop) feedback negative sehingga kestabilan frekuensi tinggi menjadi mudah. Kehadiran C7 antara dua titik berimpedansi tinggi sedemikian sudah cukup menjamin peredaman yang sangat baik terhadap osilasi frekuensi tinggi . hal ini harus dilakukan susah payah pada desain simetris. Sedikit orang menyadari bahwa panas berlebih yang berbahaya pada transistor daya justru jika dihasilkan oleh osilasi frekuensi tinggi bukan oleh kelebihan arus DC biasa. Efek penghancuran demikian nyata. Sering teknisi audio belum sempat bereaksi terhadap kelebihan panas, system sudah rusak. Anda juga perlu curiga terhadap osilasi kasat kuping, jika system penguat daya anda menderita panas berlebih dalam level operasi biasa. Konsekuensi lain dari pengendalian non-simetris adalah respon keluaran juga tak benar-benar simetris atau linear seperti pada system simetris. Terhadap citra audio, versi simetris menghasilkan citra lebih asli tetapi kaku. Sedangkan versi non-simetris mengalami sedikit pewarnaan, namun berkesan lebih lembut.
Tuduhan skeptic terhadap operasi non- simetris adalah kurang cepat, treble kurang lincah. Mungkin itu benar kalau menggunakan rangkaian RC bootstrap pada bagian pre-driver. Pada amplifier ini , rangkaian bootstrap diganti oleh Q5 yang dioperasikan sebagai sumber arus konstan dan dengan susah payah distabilkan oleh D1. C9 dan C12 menyediakan kestabilan Dc system penguatan keseluruhan yang sangat kokoh terhadap gangguan tegangan catu daya, serta impedansi tinggi terhadap kolektor Q4. Akibatnya, tegangan di titik ini menjadi sangat leluasa berayun cepat merespon sinyal input. Hasil akhirnya, kecepatan atau slew rate , dan signal to noise ratio ( S/N) sangat diperbaiaki , respon midrange dan treble lebih transparan, serta system penguatan menjadi lebih tahan terhadap gangguan fluktuasi tegangan catu daya dan menurunkan distorsi intermodulasi akibat pengendalian antar kanal melalui fluktuasi catu daya, apabila catu daya menggunakan trafo bersama.
Sedikit kelemahan , kehadiran sumber arus Q5 beserta kapasitor penstabil menyebabkan guncangan saat peng on-an. Sebaiknya gunakan speaker protector atau minimal rangkaian on-delay untuk mengurangi kemungkinan rusaknya speaker dan amplifier itu sendiri.
Daya keluaran 60 sampai 70 watt RMS dapat dicapai dengan menggunakan transistor daya TIP 3055 dan TIP 2955, driver BD 139 dan BD 140 dan pre-driver menggunakan B560 dan D438, dengan catu daya trafo yang digunakan 24 V CT 5A. Daya keluaran 125 watt bisa dicapai dengan mengganti TIP 3055 dan TIP 2955 dengan pasangan transistor 2SC3281 dan 2SA1302, mengganti B560 dan D438 dengan 2SA965/2SA1011 dan 2SC2235 dengan catu daya trafo 32 V CT minimal 5A.
audio and amplifier
Gimana jadinya kalo led cube duet bareng jam digital???
ini dia...........
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